Aurum – man
People of the Aurum type present the classical features of severe, longstanding arterial hypertension – plethoric faces, pulsation of temporal and carotid arteries, predisposition to cerebral hemorrhages and infarctions. Usually these are stout, heavily built brunettes of both sexes, either gloomy and depressed or restless, irritable and hot-tempered to the extreme, with frequent fits of explosive anger. Their minds are ever preoccupied with the thoughts of the future, even those whose future is smiling upon them.
The complaints of Aurum – type people are worsened by cold weather and immobility, and during the night. Often they suffer from a sensation of hot waves rushing through different parts of their body. They have cold limbs and hot hyperemic faces. Milk, coffee and alcohol are their favourite drinks, while they strongly dislike heavy food, particularly – meat.
Aurum is highly effective in the treatment of hypertension and atherosclerosis and in the treatment of osteomyelitis of the upper face-bones.