Phosphorus is a type of intellectuals, possessing lively imagination, highly sensitive nature and subtle minds.
These people are tall and frail, with long, pale faces, light hair and narrow chests, as if grown up too fast. They tend to flush easily, with red spots appearing here and there on their cheeks; some of them may have swelling around the eyes.
Nocturnal hunger, pronounced preference for cold weather and drinks, and intolerance of strong odours and noises are the most prominent features of people of the Phosphorus type. Being easily and deeply impressed, they are terrified by thunder storms, big animals and black dogs.
Clinically, they are characterised by a burning sensation in all parts of the body, and especially – along the spine, between the shoulder blades and in the hands. Often, they have a tendency for prolonged bleeding from even the most superficial cuts.
Phosphorus is highly effective in the treatment of all diseases of the nervous system, the liver, the pancreas and the bones.